Sunday, April 19, 2015

Four Things All The Cool People Are Learning

Growing up is terrifying in like 4 year increments. This is of course based on an average rate of "growing up". How theoretically intelligent does that sound?! Anyway, I've noticed the terrifying aspect became more frequent when graduation from college came and a career was hazy if not completely obscured by uncertainty. But hey what's living without some fear right?
So here I am to offer some words of wisdom I did not come up with myself, but have been given by other, wiser individuals recently that have somewhat saved my sanity.

1. Do what makes you happy! Seriously, I have noticed among myself and others that once I went to college, my hobbies sometimes were put on the back burner (p.s. where did the phrase back burner even come from, probably a grill) and how boring is that? Who cares if it helps to provide you with a clear step closer to a career. It'll make you a better human and friend if you're doing something you're passionate about. Who knows what it'll bring you, but if it at least brings you happiness then its worth the time.
2. Try not to let the people who constantly tell you things like, "Its okay, you're young!" and, "You still have time to figure it out!" bring you too much annoyance. Like okay I'm perfectly aware of how old I am, thanks buddy. And yes I know I have time to figure it out, but that doesn't make it any less scary. They're only trying to help and maybe don't always know what to say.
3. Be afraid, be very afraid. I mean if you want. I'll tell you one thing, I certainly am. It helps to laugh frequently. If laughing doesn't come easy to you, I'm sorry I have no other options. It comes fairly quickly to me. I probably laughed while writing this.
4. Never give up, never surrender! I'm still working on this myself. However, I always try to remember something a teacher told me in high school along the lines of, "There are plenty of people out there trying to bring you down, don't you be one of them."

I find I sometimes get lost in my own worries and forget how many amazing people I have in my life and how many things I've done that I'm incredibly proud of and thrilled about. Life is certainly tough and I'm by no means a master at it, but I'm learning as I go which is so much fun and also frightening. So anyway ttly, gonna go grab a diet Dr. Pepper.

P.S. Spring, I'll admit, your beauty outweighs the allergies you're unapologetically giving everyone.

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