That time I went jogging as the sun was setting - July 2015 |
Here's the thing, you've got to believe in yourself. And damn is that hard sometimes because of all the amazing people out there, but you're amazing too. And sometimes the people you want support from don't seem to want to give it, so you support yourself, pep-talk yourself. And I know it's much harder to take your own word for it than others, but you've got to because look at all you've done and how far you've come. And pat yourself on the back because, I repeat, you're amazing too. And and and. While those sentences are atrocious grammatically, I like to think I'm taking Picasso's advice when he said, "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." Yes, I realize I just called myself both a pro and an artist, but I'm trying to believe in myself and all that.
The time I wrote a blog post on the beach in Koh Phi Phi, Thailand - December 2013 |
Growing up is terrifying. I've said that before and I imagine I'll say it again. Sometimes I overestimate my bravery and think with all of my life experiences what else is there to be afraid of. Classic young person, right? Honestly, without fear and challenges, how boring would life be? So here I am, partially terrified, partially thrilled and partially wanting pizza.
"If I were a tree, I'd live next to those two trees," said my dad about two totally different trees - October 2014 |
Along other lines, here are a few quotes from kids lately that I've had to figure out how best to answer.
"Sweating is good for you, you know? It makes you have muscles."
"Did you know that in some states you can marry your brother."
"Leah, not everything has a soul right?"
The view from above, but not really - August 2015 |
Due to my minimal work schedule, I've had some free time to participate in things I don't normally do. Well I probably had the time when I worked more, but you know how it goes. Anyway I've been part of some socially conscious events and it's been so great! I don't often talk about these things because of aggressive opinions (that people have the right to have), but it's made me happy to show others I care and I'm rooting for them.
Don't forget to take care of yourself and I'm not solely referring to taking a shower (but for the love of humanity, please shower too).
When your siblings fall asleep taking a photo with you - Thanksgiving 2014 |
I would like to say thank you to a few things here at the end.
1. Thank you chickens for providing me with breakfast most mornings.
2. Thank you family for letting me live rent-free while I figure out my life.
3. Thank you Netflix for providing me with seemingly endless entertainment.
4. Thank you friends for keeping me laughing and sane at the same time.
5. Thank you water softener for softening water.
6. Thank you kids I babysit for keeping me on my toes, figuratively.
7. Thank you mom and dad for calling me in the car on bluetooth so I can feel like I'm in two places at once.
Smiles and Beers - Thanks Bobo for the photo - May 2015 |
Love you tiny one. Wish I was part of some of those photos!