Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fighting Your Unemployment With Fun

Cheyanne came to visit - Red Butte Concert
Guys job hunting is so much fun. You get to scour the internet for hours and beg people to hire you and then never hear back from the majority of them. And repeat. Like hello hiring managers, you're missing some serious potential! Or at least that's what I keep telling myself because job hunting can be very discouraging. Although it can bum me out, I'm thrilled to at least know what it is I want to do. A year ago I wasn't sure, which made applying for jobs immeasurably more difficult. Now, however, since I know what I want to do, I have less uncertainty in what to apply for and more just flat out rejection. But a little rejection is good for you, right? Builds character and all that crap. Forgive my choice of words, e.g. crap. It's important to keep on keeping on.
Rosemary and Morgan - Hugs forever
Outdoor concerts + Friends
So here I am, trying to enjoy being jobless, but not enjoying it that much. I have had a good deal of fun doing summer activities like swimming and skateboarding and outdoor concerts. It seems when a lot of people are at an uncertain point in their life, they can certainly find ways to have fun because fun is saving us all.
Wish me luck in achieving my dreams folks!

Morgan and Cheyanne - Photo taken by Rosemary

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