Saturday, October 24, 2015

Someone is Singing Opera on the Sidewalk

One of my favorite places to walk around in San Francisco is around upper Fillmore and I know that may come off as pretentious or something since its a nicer part of town, but sue me. My parents lived here while they were in dental school and they both had apartments in that area which probably has something to do with my affinity toward it. I was talking with a friend the other day and she said something along the lines of how so many factors play into the reason we like a certain place, it could have been a nice day or we had something else that happened that made us happy and it all sort of translates into that place. Aside from all of that, you hit a point on Fillmore where its like you're going to walk off a cliff the hill gets so steep. There are stairs in the middle of the sidewalk and the most beautiful view of the bay.
The Top o' the World - Fillmore - SF
Man the Houses are Beautiful - SF 
My favorite bookshop is near Haight and Ashbury so you have to brave the questionable folk to get to it, but boy is it marvelous. It's called the Booksmith and it's as if they seek to have only the prettiest book covers of all, none of that 'movie based on the book' bullshit.
My friend and I went and explored the Sutro Baths, which used to be bath houses in in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It looks to me like it was essentially a huge building with swimming pools. However, all thats left are the ruins of the pools and some other random structures.
Wanna Go Swimming? - SF
Also guess who got a job, probably a lot of people, but one of them is in fact me. Let's all celebrate!
Things I've noticed about San Francisco so far:
1. Your feet get dirty walking around in flip flops. How, I don't quite understand.
2. Avoid that one church where homeless people pee on the sidewalk.
3. Walking everywhere is fun, makes viewing the beautiful architecture easier.
4. It's not a myth that California people are really into wine.
5. What are seasons?
Street Art - Chinatown - SF
My Favorite House - SF

Thursday, October 8, 2015

New Places, New Faces

I've said, "Adios!" to caution and thrown it to the wind (who managed one outstanding catch by the way) and I'm on a new adventure. I feel a combination of scared and excited. Scared because I don't really have any solid plans apart from moving to San Francisco with a couple suitcases and a lot of hope. Excited because I'm going in the direction of my dreams and I can now buy wine at a grocery store.
Sadie #2
Calico Basin - Red Rock
While I'm doing something far newer and far more different (although I have been here before so it's not that new and it's different, but not that different) than where I was, I am grateful I have so many people incredibly willing to help in all ways, shapes and forms. So many people have come forward to help me in my search for a home, job, new friends and/or fun. Even more to wish me luck, tell me they believe in me and/or say they know I'll achieve my dreams. By damned if that doesn't take your fears and transform them into hope I don't know what will. Aren't people just the greatest?
Desert sky filled with feathers
That one tree in Bryce Canyon
Obviously new places and following your dreams and all that is hard, lonely, and disconcerting. It can also cause you to question your sanity, your belief in yourself and other people. However, my mom said, "Remember you're where you want to be and everything will work out," and ain't that the truth.
Las Vegas fun - Mom and I
A few things I've noticed about San Francisco so far:
1. People like to throw random objects on the sidewalk instead of in the garbage, e.g. cassette tapes, couches sans cushions.
2. Some people can be their own friends.
3. The buildings are beautiful, I didn't even notice all the garbage for awhile because I was always looking up.
4. Sidewalks smell like pee sometimes, even when you see no visible evidence of it.
5. Walking up hills is hard, but then you go downhill.

The story of light as told by stained glass windows - Grace Cathedral - San Francisco

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Last weekend I went to the launch event for an organization called Honey. Their goal is to stop the silence around sexual assault as well as change public attitude toward it, and they're doing all of this through sharing their own stories among other things. The courage and strength to stand up and talk publicly about something so heartbreaking and emotionally damaging is incredibly impressive to me. I was so proud of everyone and everything that I lost words to express it. The event was fun and sad and moving and wonderful. I was elated that so many people who in varying degrees have experienced sexual assault or known someone who has experienced it came together to celebrate Honey's goals. There were also some seriously delicious desserts on the dessert table which is something to celebrate in and of itself.
Jessica and I
If you'd like to learn more about Honey, check it out here. They have an indiegogo campaign to raise money for sexual assault education and advocacy, here you can watch their video and donate. Basically these chicks rock and need your support.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Go You!

That time I went jogging as the sun was setting - July 2015
Here's the thing, you've got to believe in yourself. And damn is that hard sometimes because of all the amazing people out there, but you're amazing too. And sometimes the people you want support from don't seem to want to give it, so you support yourself, pep-talk yourself. And I know it's much harder to take your own word for it than others, but you've got to because look at all you've done and how far you've come. And pat yourself on the back because, I repeat, you're amazing too. And and and. While those sentences are atrocious grammatically, I like to think I'm taking Picasso's advice when he said, "Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." Yes, I realize I just called myself both a pro and an artist, but I'm trying to believe in myself and all that.
The time I wrote a blog post on the beach in Koh Phi Phi, Thailand - December 2013
Growing up is terrifying. I've said that before and I imagine I'll say it again. Sometimes I overestimate my bravery and think with all of my life experiences what else is there to be afraid of. Classic young person, right? Honestly, without fear and challenges, how boring would life be? So here I am, partially terrified, partially thrilled and partially wanting pizza.
"If I were a tree, I'd live next to those two trees," said my dad about two totally different trees - October 2014
Along other lines, here are a few quotes from kids lately that I've had to figure out how best to answer.
"Sweating is good for you, you know? It makes you have muscles."
"Did you know that in some states you can marry your brother."
"Leah, not everything has a soul right?"
The view from above, but not really - August 2015
Due to my minimal work schedule, I've had some free time to participate in things I don't normally do. Well I probably had the time when I worked more, but you know how it goes. Anyway I've been part of some socially conscious events and it's been so great! I don't often talk about these things because of aggressive opinions (that people have the right to have), but it's made me happy to show others I care and I'm rooting for them.
Don't forget to take care of yourself and I'm not solely referring to taking a shower (but for the love of humanity, please shower too).
When your siblings fall asleep taking a photo with you - Thanksgiving 2014 
I would like to say thank you to a few things here at the end.
1. Thank you chickens for providing me with breakfast most mornings.
2. Thank you family for letting me live rent-free while I figure out my life.
3. Thank you Netflix for providing me with seemingly endless entertainment.
4. Thank you friends for keeping me laughing and sane at the same time.
5. Thank you water softener for softening water.
6. Thank you kids I babysit for keeping me on my toes, figuratively.
7. Thank you mom and dad for calling me in the car on bluetooth so I can feel like I'm in two places at once.

Smiles and Beers - Thanks Bobo for the photo - May 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fighting Your Unemployment With Fun

Cheyanne came to visit - Red Butte Concert
Guys job hunting is so much fun. You get to scour the internet for hours and beg people to hire you and then never hear back from the majority of them. And repeat. Like hello hiring managers, you're missing some serious potential! Or at least that's what I keep telling myself because job hunting can be very discouraging. Although it can bum me out, I'm thrilled to at least know what it is I want to do. A year ago I wasn't sure, which made applying for jobs immeasurably more difficult. Now, however, since I know what I want to do, I have less uncertainty in what to apply for and more just flat out rejection. But a little rejection is good for you, right? Builds character and all that crap. Forgive my choice of words, e.g. crap. It's important to keep on keeping on.
Rosemary and Morgan - Hugs forever
Outdoor concerts + Friends
So here I am, trying to enjoy being jobless, but not enjoying it that much. I have had a good deal of fun doing summer activities like swimming and skateboarding and outdoor concerts. It seems when a lot of people are at an uncertain point in their life, they can certainly find ways to have fun because fun is saving us all.
Wish me luck in achieving my dreams folks!

Morgan and Cheyanne - Photo taken by Rosemary

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Chicago Coming in Hot and Humid

Last weekend I took a trip to Chicago and guess what my new favorite city is, yes it's Chicago! The people are so great, the food is delicious and the buildings are in abundance. Also maybe I'm an idiot or maybe I'm from the west and no one tells you small aspects of cities further away, but Chicago has a beach! Like wait best all around city in the world.
The first night I got there I took the cta to my hotel and now looking back I realize how unnecessary my fear of finding my hotel was because this is the real world and there are smart phones and people to ask for directions. So I found it (obviously) and it was amazing!
Chicago Harbor
On Friday I went to the Art Institute of Chicago and it was really hot and humid, but absolutely beautiful out. The museum was amazing, filled with masterpieces abound.
Joan Mitchell, City Landscape
Claude Monet, Water Lilies
I had a chicago dog for lunch which was just so dang good. Even though by this time I felt like a local (in other words, not needing my maps very often), I found I was totally not a local because I should have gotten the Italian beef. You live and you learn.
That night I tried Lou Malnati's, a highly recommended pizza restaurant and while I was waiting for my order I chatted with this great group of people also waiting to be seated. Firstly they had some serious rims on their car. Secondly their 4 year old Jason was one hell of a guy. The dad started talking to me about Utah Jazz players and I tried to act like I knew what he was talking about because I wanted to look cool, of course. Anyway this story goes to further exemplify how great the people are there, if you couldn't tell.
Saturday I spent roaming the city with local legend and tour guide Ben Hannon. Its just the best city to walk around in. I looked up and saw the Willis Tower from the ground because the line was 45 hours long to go to the top, but it looked pretty tall. Instead we went to the Hancock building and got the 360 view on top which was super cool. Not only did I see several roof top pools, but also the beach!! Really I am still so shocked and thrilled there's a beach in Chicago.
Tour guide Ben
That is one tall ass building
My girl Natalie Sweeney drove down for Saturday night and we enjoyed the hotel's complementary wine hour that preceded an awesome pizza dinner and more wine. Best friends catching up, how can that not be fun? When we returned from dinner, Ben and his friends met up with us at the hotel for drinks on the roof then going out to the bars. I can't speak for all of them, but I had such a great time.
I have deemed Chicago the greatest city in the U.S. and well if you go there I'm positive you'll feel the same. The culture is live with art, music and food and really who doesn't love all of those things immensely? I dream of living there as soon as possible.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Where to Begin

Mount Olympus hike for Allie's birthday!
This picture hides perfectly that moments ago I was crying out of fear.
Where to begin, or even to begin at all. Pretty much been my thought each time I've sat down to blog it up. But begin I shall!
Life can be immeasurably heartbreaking, but it can also be just as heartwarming. A side note I feel is important to mention. This thought of mine stemmed from reading a book I've started (and read about half of today already). It is just brilliant and has been described as something of a "beach read" should anyone be interested in said things its called Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple.
While not much has happened since the last time I posted (I'm so sorry for the neglect), some things certainly have. This is the real world after all. Surprised? No way. 
Thanks Dad for the coolest tubes ever.
I've done some more writing at work and sat in on some strategic meetings and participated in others. There is also now an espresso machine at work which is super exciting and delicious, but has caused some serious jittering and spazy movements (you might be confused thinking something along the lines of, "Wait, aren't you always like that?" and I would respond with, "Not to this extent."). Now for the general crowd pleasers!
No Last Call, best bar in Salt Lake
Some friends have gone away, some friends have stayed. While this can be one of the more tragic things in life, friends are forever (if you want it). The other day I became somewhat stressed out and I couldn't identify the origin until a couple days later. With some friends leaving paired with me moving onto different parts in my life, I was so afraid I'd lose contact with people I cared for immeasurably that I panicked. Then I realized that losing contact with people is something I have complete control over. It is all on me (and maybe them a little) and thats a bit overwhelming, but also so wonderful! There are so many things in life that we don't always have control over, so when we do, what a great thing that is.
Sadie the Wonder Dog
Summer is upon us and with it came some serious heat and some even more serious fun. Camping and grilling and dancing and swimming and music and friends, you know the usual. On a partially related note, if you come across any absorbent coasters please be sure to let me know, my cocktails are sweating just as much as I am these summer days and I really can't take them ruining the wood of my table.
Hot springs from a little while ago
Sometimes I feel old and some of my friends who are even younger than me have said the same and I know it sounds crazy, but it made me wonder why we do so. Of course I would sit and contemplate something like that, like what? As expected I didn't come up with anything because who could, but I did decided I wouldn't for a second go back. Not because I didn't enjoy portions of it more than I could possibly explain, but because theres so much ahead and so many things left to do and live and say and feel. Even if it were the end, I'm not sure I would feel any differently because the past holds with it certain times that are nothing less than perfect, but if they happened again it just wouldn't be the same. And I love that, how each experience is its own and you have to take it all in because that's all you'll get of it.
"Nona lets take a picture!" "Why?"
Pretty much the gist of things with my mini best friend.