Monday, April 27, 2015

Hobbies Shmobbies

When I was a kid I thought Snap Dragons talked to each other when you weren't looking.
Exploring hobbies one hobby at a time. While my favorite hobby will probably always be drinking cocktails with my wonderful friends chatting, I've been searching for (and finding) new and fun ways to spend my time. To name a few: sewing, skateboarding and (fake) painting. Of course some of my hobbies like reading, writing and drinking cocktails remain and take up a significant amount of my time, I've had so much damn fun with these new things. With the fun has come some obvious frustration, but whats fun without frustration?! Here's what I've come to learn about some of these things.

Sewing: once I relearned how my sewing machine worked from the guide book and recalling things my mom taught me, I found its pretty damn simple. Obviously I'm not a seamstress or able to do just about anything I want (like my pro sewing mom), but it's certainly something everyone can learn if they want to. It'll take patience though and you'll have to be able to fear not the prick of a needle when you least expect it.

Skateboarding: I've just started to pick it up again. It's definitely something that the opinions of others can keep you from trying. Don't let their opinions get you down though, most people are actually quite supportive. Anyway it's so much fun and I'm super excited to improve. Sure I'm not a boy and super impressive, but honestly my goal isn't to be a boy and super impressive anyway so we're good. It doesn't hurt to have a best friend who also wants to test out the waters of this crazy thing called skateboarding, that way you two (or 3 or 4) can bond together and throw caution to the wind and all those other clichéd statements. One of the more thrilling aspects of said hobby is I get to meet and hang with so many new people and some I know, but don't see as often.
Natalie will probably win best dressed skater chick.
Painting: yeah you guys already know, I bought a paint by numbers and it's sort of difficult for my shaky hands (I have a tremor), but it's cool and fun and calming and I wouldn't really call it painting and it's taking awhile and its going to be so pretty and and and.

Reading: it'll save your life. Okay that's a bit intense, I know. But it's my favorite thing to do. Naturally that makes me seem somewhat boring and quiet, which sometimes I am, but it also allows me to live thousands of lives in addition to mine and thats something I just love more than I can perhaps put into words. I would love to one day write a novel, but I have yet to get to the point where as Toni Morrison put it, "If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

Drinking cocktails and chatting with friends: I haven't learned a thing about it other than its a wonderful way to spend time. It often brings with it laughter which I can say is one of the more thrilling pastimes I have encountered in my somewhat short life. Also its not dictated by the weather which is a huge perk.

Exploring new hobbies is, I think, very important. It helps to remind you what you're capable of and sometimes what you aren't. In the end what I like most about exploring hobbies are the people I have unintentionally and unexpectedly become closer to. There are so many people out there and its often difficult to bond when there isn't a clear common ground, but these things have provided me with some new common ground. Alright back to my main hobby of watching Netflix, see ya later.
We had fun.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Friends and The Stories We Tell

Seasonal friendships are tough.
Friends are like lifesavers, the candy and the floatation device. Sweet and they keep you afloat (similes are not my strong suit as you can see). Where would we be without them? Seriously, friends are my favorite. I was almost too tired to finish this because of all the fun I had with them this weekend. Friends, food and fun. Some of my absolute favorite things (food especially). Whether it be a thrilling night out, a day in the sun, or a lengthy lounge session watching endless Netflix, its a good time. I couldn't ask for better friends. Shout out to all the homies! You know who you are. Also, shout out to all the food out there as well!
Brighton closing day, one hell of a time. Photo: Erik Overson
Warning: heavy material ahead, bring your hard hats. HA HA HA
I'm not entirely sure why this happens so frequently, I like to think people generally trust me with sensitive information, but honestly I couldn't tell ya. Regardless of why, I have been witness to many a story I wasn't sure I should be privileged to hear, but sat quietly listening as they seemed to hope I would. These stories paired with those I've read in books have taught me to be utterly amazed with the way in which people are. So many people have endured so many things that break my heart simply hearing about. And yet on they move with the turning of the earth because that's how it goes. Honestly where would be if the world didn't go as such. What I mean to say with all of this is that people are extraordinary. Tell your stories and tell them with heart and know that we are listening, well I am at least.
A quote I love by Markus Zusak, "It amazes me what humans can do, even when streams are flowing down their faces and they stagger on, coughing and searching, and finding."
Remember this? Confession: I think I willed it into being.
When your dinner is wine and cheese.
I leave you with something the four year old girl I nanny and adore said to me the other day, "I wonder what its like to be a boy and a dog." Because really I would love to know as well.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Four Things All The Cool People Are Learning

Growing up is terrifying in like 4 year increments. This is of course based on an average rate of "growing up". How theoretically intelligent does that sound?! Anyway, I've noticed the terrifying aspect became more frequent when graduation from college came and a career was hazy if not completely obscured by uncertainty. But hey what's living without some fear right?
So here I am to offer some words of wisdom I did not come up with myself, but have been given by other, wiser individuals recently that have somewhat saved my sanity.

1. Do what makes you happy! Seriously, I have noticed among myself and others that once I went to college, my hobbies sometimes were put on the back burner (p.s. where did the phrase back burner even come from, probably a grill) and how boring is that? Who cares if it helps to provide you with a clear step closer to a career. It'll make you a better human and friend if you're doing something you're passionate about. Who knows what it'll bring you, but if it at least brings you happiness then its worth the time.
2. Try not to let the people who constantly tell you things like, "Its okay, you're young!" and, "You still have time to figure it out!" bring you too much annoyance. Like okay I'm perfectly aware of how old I am, thanks buddy. And yes I know I have time to figure it out, but that doesn't make it any less scary. They're only trying to help and maybe don't always know what to say.
3. Be afraid, be very afraid. I mean if you want. I'll tell you one thing, I certainly am. It helps to laugh frequently. If laughing doesn't come easy to you, I'm sorry I have no other options. It comes fairly quickly to me. I probably laughed while writing this.
4. Never give up, never surrender! I'm still working on this myself. However, I always try to remember something a teacher told me in high school along the lines of, "There are plenty of people out there trying to bring you down, don't you be one of them."

I find I sometimes get lost in my own worries and forget how many amazing people I have in my life and how many things I've done that I'm incredibly proud of and thrilled about. Life is certainly tough and I'm by no means a master at it, but I'm learning as I go which is so much fun and also frightening. So anyway ttly, gonna go grab a diet Dr. Pepper.

P.S. Spring, I'll admit, your beauty outweighs the allergies you're unapologetically giving everyone.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Becoming A Sellout and Loving It, Mostly

Fire on the Beach - San Diego - 2015
There are certain things that a money conscious mind has made me. Perhaps sell out is the wrong word, but close enough to the right word. I'm not here to put myself down for a couple paragraphs though, I'm here to tell you the perks of being a sellout.

1. I can't afford something like, oh I don't know, a Van Gogh original. Are there even any still available for sale? So instead of buying a poster for $29.99, I got a paint by numbers for $18 straight out of China. I've learned upon beginning it that in replicating a masterpiece, I am doing exactly the opposite of being artistic. Art isn't about staying in the lines, making sure you follow the number tutorial to the T. Art is about feeling and this activity has made me appreciate Van Gogh even more for his ability to create such an amazing piece of art without someone telling him what to do. Don't worry I'll share the finished product, theres just a lot of numbers in very small spaces and as we all very much know, I'm not Van Gogh.

2. I've also begun downloading samples of books on iBook instead of going to the book store, reading the back, then purchasing if it's cool with my mom and full of just the sort of thing I love to read. I don't have a kindle or tablet or anything that really makes downloading samples reader friendly, so instead I read portions of books on my phone like some caveman. A tablet for ants. But what I'm getting at is, although the author doesn't get anything from this sample they provide me with, it is just brilliant. I love being able to see if I like the style of writing, the characters, the plot, everything before I buy it. Its also terribly intriguing because whoever makes these samples knows exactly what you'll be dying to know and will be sure not to tell you it.

3. Lastly, I'm not entirely sure how this started, but I became very fed up that clothing wasn't ever exactly how I wanted it. I was getting weirdly upset that I would buy something only to wish it was slightly different. So I took to buying things all my little dudes in China made for me and every other person in the world because if I'm not going to love it, at least it'll be cheap. And then a passionate wave of "I will get what I want out of my wardrobe!" hit me (this is unusual, a passionate wave hitting me as well as me exclaiming anything) and I went to the thrift shop and decided to alter preexisting clothes to be just the piece I imagined. Not only do I love being able to customize things, its also such a great feeling to see that I took a size large tank top from a mom in 1995 and transformed it with the help of my grandmothers sewing machine. Accomplishments rock!

While this kind of became a story about me being poor, I didn't intend for that. These realizations just happen to come out of a search for a way to live how I want to live regardless of the income I have. Its so incredibly fun to take on activities and learn something new about yourself and the world around you. Who says you can't have things the way you want them and who says you can't make them that way yourself?

A couple of pictures I love from the film I just got developed.
Surfer Chicks - San Clemente - 2015 
Brown Baggin' It - San Clemente - 2015 
When They Look Better Than They Taste - Thailand - 2014
Mom and Bobo Beachin' It - Phuket, Thailand - 2013