Monday, May 18, 2015

Failure, A Saving Grace.

Across the Tracks - Salt Lake City - 2015
The amazing street art outside my building. I just love street art!
Guess who got herself something of a dream internship. The chances of you (reader) guessing the right person are fairly high, but I'll give it up anyway. I did! I am now copywriting intern at Write On Network. I absolutely love it. The work is challenging and, therefore, that much more rewarding. There is a wide variety of clientele allowing me to gain just the sort of experience I was hoping for. My bosses are also the kindest most helpful women who also have great style, which I think is important. We work in a super creative space that's a restored warehouse. There are several different companies who share the general space and each of us have our own little work area. So many creative minds in one place is intoxicating. My boss also offers me snacks and beverages every day which was a huge thing for me.
My desk.
"Easy reading is damn hard writing" - Nathaniel Hawthorne 
If it wasn't obvious by my description how happy I am to be pursuing my writing career, well then maybe reread that last paragraph because it doesn't get more descriptive than that, for me at least.
We call it 'The Pickle' and rightly so.
In the end it was failure that saved me. It still shocks me that had I not experienced one of my greatest fears, I would not be in this amazing place I am now. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young once said, "We never failed to fail, it was the easiest thing to do." And while failure can sometimes be easy (I mostly think it comes from a lack of trying mixed with just the right amount of carelessness), it can also be earth shattering. However, in the cheesiest way possible, sometimes what you need the most is your earth shattered to make you realize just what path you truly want to take. When every possible path seems equally difficult to achieve, its far easier to decide which one you actually would put all your effort into.
Some books I've recently finished, in the process of reading, or intend to read soon.
Spend your money on what you love my friends.

If you'd like to read the interview about me on Write On Network's blog, click here.

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Mexican themed week

And holy smokes what a week its been. Not only was it Cinco de Mayo (one hell of a holiday in my books), my sister and several of my friends graduated. I'm so proud of them. I remember graduating and thinking it wasn't anything special, but it certainly is recent graduates and don't think anything otherwise.
So Cinco de Mayo was pretty jam packed. I had my first day of my new copywriting internship (which I love and will tell you all more about soon enough). I also had to nanny some little kids who I absolutely adore. During my break between interning and nannying I dropped my sister off at our friends house to begin the Cinco de Mayo party and boy did that get me excited for what I could actually participate in come 6:00 pm. If I told you I didn't count down the hours until then, I'd be one heck of a liar.
Just a couple of friends having one heck of a time on Cinco de Mayo
If you've read any of my other posts you'll know how I feel about friends, food and fun. If you haven't read my other posts (maybe get on that, they're funny and interesting), I love all of those things immensely. That is exactly what the celebration consisted of. Yes, it rained. No, we didn't mind (much). There were yard games and cervezas and eventually some borrachos eating nachos. I can't think of a Cinco de Mayo I didn't enjoy. I also attempted to speak Spanish at one point which ended in me humiliating myself, but I did succeed in getting others to speak Spanish which I love listening to. So winner winner chicken dinner would probably be me.
Graduation weekend was super fun. All of my family came out to visit and we celebrated and ate until we couldn't eat anymore and then we ate some more. What a wonderful time it is to see folks you haven't seen in awhile and just simply be together enjoying each others company. Its like something out of a story. I also had the privilege of meeting some of my friends parents that were so kind and eager to listen to your story. How nice it is to be heard. We drank some beverages, ate some cake and marveled at bouquets cut from the garden.
Sisters and a Cow
Flowers at the Grand America
Talking to all the graduates made me remember just how terrifying graduation can be. So many 'what do I do now?'s and I wanted to reassure each person who felt this way that they would be okay, everything would work itself out. However, that is the sort of thing that doesn't bring much reassurance because its only truly realized after the fact. Nonetheless, I did my best to express just how proud I was of each and everyone of them, its not always expressed enough.
Anyway, so its essentially summer. I pretty much deem it summer when I start sweating on a regular basis. So I can't wait to spend some time doing all the outdoor things I just love. I hope all of you are getting out there as well!
Margaritas with the graduate!
Dad, Bobo and Uncle John happy as clams eating some Mexican food
HGD Boh Boh!
Natalie and her dad, Terry.
Just wonderful people!
3 chicks who graduated college

Monday, May 4, 2015

The Pizza That Brings The People Together

So the other day, after a last minute text message, I jumped off the couch I had been laying on since I don't know when (just kidding, it was like 20 minutes) and ran to my car because of how thrilled I was to finally see the house my best friend from high school had bought in this crazy city of Salt Lake. While the reality of the situation was far less dramatic, for instance I have only run to my car once that I could remember and that was because I thought I was late, the thrill I had was still there. A little background I suppose?

Jessica (or Yarm as she is known frequently and in my case most commonly) and Matt are that really cool couple who toured Eastern Europe together and went just about everywhere one could hope to go and while doing so took amazingly beautiful photos and wrote a blog I actually very much wanted to read which doesn't happen often. They have a golden retriever named Lola that is actually more of a model than anyone I know, yet she has no idea of her beauty, well maybe a little in that everyone loves her and she loves that. And Matt's alter ego, Jeano, makes the worlds BEST wood fired pizza, that they share far and wide like the kind souls they are.
The prosciutto, pear and fresh mozzarella!
My favorite would have to be the Margherita because I'm a classics chick.   
This night I also had the privilege of seeing my other best friend from high school also named Jessica, yes sometimes it got confusing, and her fiancé Alex. They are v perfect for each other.
('v': a term translated closely to mean 'very' that Alex is plaguing the english language with.)
The crew.
This is a special shot because Matt actually had a moment to eat some of the pizza he slaves over.
Not only was I able to have my favorite Jeano's, but they also had some tasty appetizers, excellent conversation and homemade cinnamon infused lemonade. Oh shoot there was also a most delectable oatmeal chocolate chip cookie that my stomach understandably made room for after like a hundred pieces of pizza. I can't remember how many times I've said this because I have a horrible memory, but I absolutely love food and it makes me so happy to share meals with people. The meals can be anything from extravagant steak dinners at my dads favorite casino to the time my friends and I ate yogurt and plastic bottled wine for dinner on our last night in Paris because we ran out of money.
The model who maybe moved as I was taking the picture and doesn't normally have a blur for a nose
And now as I sit in my dungeon-like basement room on my (terribly comfy) bed I think how wonderful friends, including all of you of course duh, transform nights of expected couch lounging into something far more social and far more fun and I just love that!

Disclaimer: I'm in no way knocking couch lounging, a favored pastime of mine.

Disclaimer #2: Really drink in that exclamation mark I just used because they don't happen very often.
Who would I be without a blurry picture of a dog licking my face