Monday, May 4, 2015

The Pizza That Brings The People Together

So the other day, after a last minute text message, I jumped off the couch I had been laying on since I don't know when (just kidding, it was like 20 minutes) and ran to my car because of how thrilled I was to finally see the house my best friend from high school had bought in this crazy city of Salt Lake. While the reality of the situation was far less dramatic, for instance I have only run to my car once that I could remember and that was because I thought I was late, the thrill I had was still there. A little background I suppose?

Jessica (or Yarm as she is known frequently and in my case most commonly) and Matt are that really cool couple who toured Eastern Europe together and went just about everywhere one could hope to go and while doing so took amazingly beautiful photos and wrote a blog I actually very much wanted to read which doesn't happen often. They have a golden retriever named Lola that is actually more of a model than anyone I know, yet she has no idea of her beauty, well maybe a little in that everyone loves her and she loves that. And Matt's alter ego, Jeano, makes the worlds BEST wood fired pizza, that they share far and wide like the kind souls they are.
The prosciutto, pear and fresh mozzarella!
My favorite would have to be the Margherita because I'm a classics chick.   
This night I also had the privilege of seeing my other best friend from high school also named Jessica, yes sometimes it got confusing, and her fiancé Alex. They are v perfect for each other.
('v': a term translated closely to mean 'very' that Alex is plaguing the english language with.)
The crew.
This is a special shot because Matt actually had a moment to eat some of the pizza he slaves over.
Not only was I able to have my favorite Jeano's, but they also had some tasty appetizers, excellent conversation and homemade cinnamon infused lemonade. Oh shoot there was also a most delectable oatmeal chocolate chip cookie that my stomach understandably made room for after like a hundred pieces of pizza. I can't remember how many times I've said this because I have a horrible memory, but I absolutely love food and it makes me so happy to share meals with people. The meals can be anything from extravagant steak dinners at my dads favorite casino to the time my friends and I ate yogurt and plastic bottled wine for dinner on our last night in Paris because we ran out of money.
The model who maybe moved as I was taking the picture and doesn't normally have a blur for a nose
And now as I sit in my dungeon-like basement room on my (terribly comfy) bed I think how wonderful friends, including all of you of course duh, transform nights of expected couch lounging into something far more social and far more fun and I just love that!

Disclaimer: I'm in no way knocking couch lounging, a favored pastime of mine.

Disclaimer #2: Really drink in that exclamation mark I just used because they don't happen very often.
Who would I be without a blurry picture of a dog licking my face

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